Website Design

Website Design
Website Design Website Design

Crafting your website design and development with creativity and cutting-edge technology.

Website Design and Development

We create websites that will excel your brand into it's future digital world. Discover our services below.

Website Design Websites that will empower your brand to stride into it’s digital future. See Fletcher Longstaff live
Website Design
Website Development We use cutting-edge technologies to boost your website development without compromising it’s speed. See Loom Talent live
Website Development
Strategic Copywriting Compelling copy does more than narrate your story, it markets your brand and website. Engage and convert your readers into customers. See Zapped live
Strategic Copywriting
E-Commerce Websites Convert casual website visitors into dedicated customers with strategic e-commerce website design and development.
Headless WordPress WordPress gives you the ability to update and edit your websites content in an easy to use system. See e-bate live
Website design & development

The Process

The Process The Process The Process The Process The Process
The Process The Process The Process The Process The Process The Process

Project Initiation

01. An introductory call outlining the key milestones and schedule. We will discuss project aims, functionality, inspiration, and website structure.

Website Kickoff

02. Before we begin your project, research begins. We immerse in your companies vision and objectives.

Strategic Copywriting

03. Compelling copy will engage and convert your readers into customers. Narrate your story, to market your brand and website.

User Experience (UX) Design

04. With a focus on architecture we start with low fidelity wireframes and progress into a clickable prototype, ensuring an engaging and intuitive user journey.

User Interface (UI) Design

05. Building on the wireframes, we design with a component-based approach. Including brand thinking, micro-animations for both mobile and desktop.

Website Development

06. Now development begins, focusing on both the front-end and backend technologies. Using only the latest and greatest in technology.


07. We do extensive testing across browsers and devices, along with optimising for technical SEO. Once ready, we move your new website to it’s live servers.

Support Guarantee

08. All backed by a 30-day support guarantee, we will be on hand for any issues that arise.

Techy terms

Techy terms Techy terms
Techy terms Techy terms Techy terms
Techy terms Techy terms Techy terms
Techy terms Techy terms Techy terms
What is UX Design? User Experience (UX) Design is the process of designing digital products with a focus on the customers experience when interacting.

User Insights

It’s time to ditch guess work and genuine understand your customers. Their actions, drives, and requirements.

User Profiles

Knowing your cusotmer will help understanding their expertise, objectives and requirements.

User Journey Mapping

Leading your users to their goal. From landing on your website to converting.

Easy Customisation

Your team can fully edit all aspects of our websites, including text, images and insert new content blocks or landing pages.

Site Architecture Planning

Lead by data, we help you identify which pages your users need.

Design Sketches

A low-fidelity concept to share and evaluating without getting hung up on the visual details.

Interactive Mockups

Interactive demos and prototypes. Figma offers a clickable prototype, offer a sneak peek into how your site will function.

Analysing Competitors

What are you competitors strengths and weaknesses. Can you increase your customers conversion by taking advantage, we know you can.

Content Review

Finding which pages to remove and which to highlight can be the key to success. This can be evaluated from a human and SEO perspective.

Web Strategy Advice

We can boost and refine your existing or upcoming website's performance. To enhance the impact and extract insights.
What is UI Design? User Interface design (UI), is design focussed on visual elements of digital interfaces that users interact with.

Adaptive Web Design

Ensure your website functions as it should on every screen.

Graphics, Icons, & Photography

Custom hand or digitally drawn illustrations and icons, plus photography. All made to complement your brand.

Content Development

Lift your websites online presence with strong content.

Design Frameworks

This is key at eliminating unpredictable development decisions.

Site Architecture Planning

Lead by data, we help you identify which pages your users need.

Creative Guidance

Creating memorable visuals is key for your prospects to return and become customers.

Digital Product Design

Design and development for online products, also known as SaaS platforms.

Case Studies

e-bate Cover
Brand and Website Design


Fintech Rebate Software

Kind words

Tom Crompton - The3Key

Tom Crompton


“I had a brand vision, they listened, challenged and delivered well above what I expected. My brand separates my business from my industry and aligns with my clients”

Hannah Tomlinson e-bate

Hannah Tomlinson


"Working with Grid felt like an extension of our marketing team. They understood and executed the brief with enthusiasm, style, and we can't wait to work with them again"

Marko Petrovic

Marko Petrovic Founder

“We were amazed by the extensive knowledge of the Grid team. The go-to agency for our strategy, branding and digital design requirements, that's globally”

Oleksander Jolt


Jolt hosting

"Grid just gets us. Every time we brief their team, they effortlessly hit the nail on the head, understanding our needs perfectly. From brand, digital to print, they just get it"

Let's begin

Ready to get started? Let’s talk about goals, plans and projects.