Cricket Finder

Cricket Finder
Cricket Finder Cricket Finder

Cricket Finder is the world’s fastest growing cricket networking platform.

Cricket Finder

Cricket Finder

Visit the website
Complete product design and development for the world’s fastest-growing cricket network. From user onboarding to individual and club profile creation, we’re helping cricket enthusiasts discover and join games.
  • Website Design

  • Product Design

  • UX/UI

  • Website Development

  • Product Development

Product Design

Product Strategy​

To create a product that makes it easy for users to sign up, onboard, and find cricket matches, designing a user-friendly interface was essential.
Responsive Design
Responsive Design
Product Development

Responsive Design

With users constantly on the move, we developed a responsive product that helps them find cricket matches wherever they are in the world.

Find your cricket fix...

Find your cricket fix...
Find your cricket fix... Find your cricket fix...

Easy Signups

Easy signups were a key focus for our user experience and interface. We aimed to create a simple yet intuitive onboarding process, allowing users to gain access as quickly as possible.

A Global Product

With a global network, the Cricket Finder product is both flexible and detailed, enabling users to search for games, clubs, or individuals worldwide.​

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